After many years of my husband saying, "I dont understand why you NEED Facebook" and "Facebook is for people with nothing better to do then be nosey" today I decided that my family and I need a break. We need to get back to 1980 when we played outside and swam in the ditches. (Well ok maybe not that far) but I need to get away from all this technology and reconnect with my husband and kids. So instead of posting what Im eating and where we are going and who Im doing those things with, I am just going to use this blog to express how in love I am with my family and brag a little about how awesome they are. If all I really use facebook for is to brag on my kids, then I can do it here!
I sat back and realized that CJ is thr only one of my three boys with a baby book. Facebook has been Jacob and Raph's baby book. Every time they said a word, cut a tooth, pottyed on the potty, it was instantly on Facebook.
Wow what a crappy mom I am. But no longer will I let social media take me away from my family. Im done! Just to add to this little soap box, our vacation pics!
Man I was so excited to get back to my little man and his daddy but I want to thank Aunt Deb for a great week with my big boys and her!
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