Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas is over...hello New Year 2012!

Ya know I never really sat down to look at pictures of me and my sister and my mom....Wow We all look alike.... Haha and you can tell that all 4 grand kids are from the same Pitre gene! Haha!

Well these are just SOME of the family pictures we took the day after Thanksgiving for our Christmas Pictures that I never got printed....yeah yeah I know I know!

So now that Christmas is over, it is time to get down to business...still don't know if I am going to get to interview for the United Way job, I am in the process of getting a loan to pay off everything that had to do with my past....and then pay it off haha!

Man we are going to be busy this new year! But I am excited for everyday that God gives me to live my life and bring up my kids and family in his word.

Can't wait to get back on my plexus slim! I feel bloated already!

New years resolution? Man I guess it is to start budgeting and saving! Gotta pay for college in T-12 years! Then again in 14 years....Harvard is going to be really expensive for two kids to go to!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stuff in My Head!

Well just as I thought I would, I didn't weigh myself til Friday and I am officially starting at 128lbs....GOAL weight is 115, so that when I start working out I can put some muscle lbs on! Well it is hard to drink the drink, but I am trying ... I had a bad migraine on Sunday so I didn't take the accelerator...but so far I think I will make it.

Haha! On the other note...have things going on, on the side, but all I have to say about that, is that if God thinks it is a good idea, then it will happen. If he doesn't think I am ready, then it won't....There ya go!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Pink Drink Challenge Begin!

So I have decided to start the Pink Drink, Plexus Slim. I will get the two week supply tonight. Brandy is bringing it to me. So tonight I will weigh myself and measure myself and then tomorrow I will start my stuff! I will try to keep track of my progress on my blog, but goal is 15lbs...or smaller tummy and thighs! Haha! We shall see!