Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas is over...hello New Year 2012!

Ya know I never really sat down to look at pictures of me and my sister and my mom....Wow We all look alike.... Haha and you can tell that all 4 grand kids are from the same Pitre gene! Haha!

Well these are just SOME of the family pictures we took the day after Thanksgiving for our Christmas Pictures that I never got printed....yeah yeah I know I know!

So now that Christmas is over, it is time to get down to business...still don't know if I am going to get to interview for the United Way job, I am in the process of getting a loan to pay off everything that had to do with my past....and then pay it off haha!

Man we are going to be busy this new year! But I am excited for everyday that God gives me to live my life and bring up my kids and family in his word.

Can't wait to get back on my plexus slim! I feel bloated already!

New years resolution? Man I guess it is to start budgeting and saving! Gotta pay for college in T-12 years! Then again in 14 years....Harvard is going to be really expensive for two kids to go to!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stuff in My Head!

Well just as I thought I would, I didn't weigh myself til Friday and I am officially starting at 128lbs....GOAL weight is 115, so that when I start working out I can put some muscle lbs on! Well it is hard to drink the drink, but I am trying ... I had a bad migraine on Sunday so I didn't take the accelerator...but so far I think I will make it.

Haha! On the other note...have things going on, on the side, but all I have to say about that, is that if God thinks it is a good idea, then it will happen. If he doesn't think I am ready, then it won't....There ya go!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Pink Drink Challenge Begin!

So I have decided to start the Pink Drink, Plexus Slim. I will get the two week supply tonight. Brandy is bringing it to me. So tonight I will weigh myself and measure myself and then tomorrow I will start my stuff! I will try to keep track of my progress on my blog, but goal is 15lbs...or smaller tummy and thighs! Haha! We shall see!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Saturday will be October 1st....I never thought it would get here and now that it is here...OMG I don't think I have everything ready. Haha! Figures! Oh well I know it will be perfect no matter what we forget!

Today Gabbie and I are going to get her dress altered and hopefully mine will be ready! I can't wait to put it on again! Ahhhh! Everything is turning out so great. As I check off my list with ease, it helps remind me that God is GREAT!

The boys will spend the next week with their Mimi and Daddy! OMG a week without them I am going to be twitching...but I have so much I need to get done before they come back, I might have moments where I don't even realize they are gone.

My shower, Sunday was amazing. Thanks to the most wonderful 3 ladies in the whole world. Gabbie, I know God had everything to do with how our lives were 7 years ago...because we would have never found each other, had we not had to go through what we did! Tracy, you are the best sister a girl could ever ask for. Mom, need I say more?

I can't wait for my bachelorette party! It is going to be crazy! So until then...31 days until I am Mrs. Joshua Veillon! Woop!
Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Funeral?

So...Today one of my best friends buried her father. It is hard for me to have to see the people I love, hurt from heartache and things that I can't fix.

The Lord takes away people at different times. Like the preacher said at the funeral service, "You are never guaranteed another day. You have to live your life for today."

I have never thought, once about what my funeral would be like. Sure I have thought about who would take care of the boys, and maybe how sad my family and friends might be. But never have I did an areal shot from above of what I would see looking down at my funeral.

Will it be a packed house, will only a few come and go? Will my kids be old enough to know what is going on? Will they cry or cling to my casket? Will my husband look lost without me? Will my mom and dad be there to have to bury me?

It is really freaking me out to think about these things. And it really makes me reanalyze my life and my faith.  As much as it hurts to think about these things, I think it is God's way of making me step back from life and take a look around. Are the people in my life right now, going to show up to my funeral? Will they take a second thought to reach out to my family? Or will they see my picture in the paper and say, Wow I knew her....

Well now that that little brain fart is over, I just can't wait to get home and hug my husband and babies and be thankful for all the people in my life that love me as much as I love them. And cherish every minute I have on earth with them. Even though if we were to part we would be together again in Heaven, tomorrow is an uncertainty.
Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, August 22, 2011

August Has Come and Gone...

So....Jacob is now 3 years old and Cj will start his first REAL year of school on Thursday. Next week we will pass the two month countdown marker til the wedding, and I am still penny pinching...I know everything will work out but I won't rest until Oct. 30th! When it is over and everything goes perfectly! Haha!

This fall I have a lot ahead of me. I am PTA Secretary, Soccer Coach, and getting married! Haha! Lets see how many gray hairs Allie has to cover before the wedding. Man I don't know how I do it sometimes, but I just know that life is crazy and God won't put me in anything I can't handle, because he is the strength and my motivation to get through all my challenges!

Well Short and sweet, that is how all my blog posts are, but hey, I am always on the move!

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jacob is 3 YEARS OLD!

Well...My baby boy is going to be THREE years old on Tuesday. I can't believe how much has happened since I found out I was pregnant with him. He has been the reason I have been able to get through all that I have been through. (Him and CJ) My two boys are the reason that I don't have to cry myself to sleep at night anymore and hide from my friends and family.

God is soooo good for giving them to me. 

I can't believe that I just found out that my big cousin is getting out of jail early. He gets to get out this Sunday, after 12 years! Our family is so excited and can't wait to see him. 

We have 2 months and 2 weeks until the wedding and I think I might have everything ready...HAHA NOT! I guess I will just have to wait and see....no matter what we have and what we don't have there, it is going to be the best day ever! 

Well short update, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB! I guess Tuesday I'll be a great mom and post all this pics like I did for CJ's hahah!
Wedding Countdown Ticker 

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day....

Today has just been horrible. It is Friday and it should be a wonderful day, but it is not. It all started with a phone call....

Dear God,

Why did God give me a soft, caring heart? If he would have made me a horrible, mean, cold hearted person, then I could get over these days in a heartbeat...but no, since God lives in my heart, there is no room for the devil.

All I can do it pray that God will show me the answer to the questions my heart is asking him right now. And a path to take to get through this situation in his favor. It is going to be hard for me to stop and see what he wants when, in this situation, my heart is fully for my side and not the other.

Please Lord take me in your arms and carry me through this, protect my family and my babies and have your will be done.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wedding Plans In Full Swing!

Thanks to my AMAZING Matron of Honor and Best Friend in the whole world, the wedding plans are underway. She is planning my shower and bachelorette party, while I am making sure I get everything else.

It is crazy how much I have planned in my head and how much I still need to take care of. The hardest part is having to do it all on my own, but hey, I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Josh and I's wedding is exactly what we want.

So the flowers are designed, the cake is order (but not paid for), DJ is reserved (but not paid for), food is planned (but not paid for), invitations are designed (but not printed or paid for)....

Actually the only thing I do have paid for is my dress....haha! O Lord...I wish I could get a loan and pay for it all and then just pay the loan back, but Josh is dealthly against DEBT. So....check by check the wedding will be paid for!

I can't wait to see how everything turns out! Woohoo! 95 more day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer is here!

So....summer is here, for the kids that is! Yeah US GROWNUPS have to work through the summer! This is the part of the year I absolutely hate. I hate knowing that I am missing them growing up and I can't be there. They HAVE to go to school, so it isn't that bad cause if I were at home, they wouldn't be there, but SUMMER...ugh!

Well today makes 151 days until the wedding. Man I wish I would win the lotto so I could pay for it all now and know that it is all taken care of. Everything is in my head, but to come up with the money to pay for it all!

Hopefully this weekend, we will finish the bathroom. And this week before the bathroom stuff, I want to clean up the back yard!

Fun Fun! Smells like summer!

Friday, March 25, 2011

CJ is 5 years old....Did you hear me.....FIVE...AHHHH

Well 5 years ago today was a Saturday. And I was prob. sitting at Tammy and Theo's house, watching TV or sleeping! Haha! First baby in the belly, I was pooped by this point. Sometime that day, I bugged Theo for the 100th time to boil me some crawfish and he finally agreed to do it the next day! So I called everyone and then went to the store. I figured walking around would help the baby come faster anyways, even though I had been 3cm for like a month!

Sunday morning came and I went to church. When I got back I spent the entire day eating my weight in crawfish. About 4pm I went to lay down and take a nap. After waking up I spent from 6pm - 8pm on the sofa as Theo kept refilling my plate with crawfish...(ladies if you want to know what to eat to make you go in labor....CRAWFISH)

So Monday morning, I woke up and fixed Chris's Coffee like always and made sure I ate my 3am bowl of cereal...(I had a phobia of being stuck in labor for days without food so each night, during the night, i would wake up and eat)

I went back to bed and slept til about 8:30am. I woke up because it felt like the baby dropped, but I was laying down. It was like a heard a thump and then some cramps. I went to the bathroom and started to have more pain so I called my mom.

She told me to get in the tub and try to relax and she would get dressed and come check on me. (Doing all this by myself, I had no idea what was going on.)

When I got in the tub the pain got worse...(found out while researching WATER BIRTHS with Jacob, that relaxing in water make labor progress)

So I called my mom while I was getting out of the tub and told her I was calling the dr. Instead I called Chris.

While on the phone with him I realized I was dripping water all over the place...wrapped in a towel, but completely dried off.

So he told me to call the dr and he was coming home.

I called the Dr and they told me to come in right away. Then mom came through the door as Chris called back to tell me he needed me to pack him a bag of clothes.

(My hospital bag had been packed for two months...but nooooo not him!)

So we finally get in the suburban and all I could think about, through the pain, was that I HAD TO PEE...I kept telling mom....IM GUNNA PEE IN YOUR CAR, PULL OVER....

She kept calming me down and telling me to hold it in. For fear that it was a child and not urine that would come out I kept a tight grip...

As soon as we pulled to the hospital door, Chris was there with a wheelchair. The last thing I wanted to do was sit down. C.J. was in no way wanting to sit down!

We got into the room and I told the nurse  I had to pee and she said...that is your waterbag, go ahead and let it flow....

Well man that just made everything worse! So I finally got on the bed and was 8cm....EPIDURAL..now or never.

Oh man I didn't want one....We hadn't planed on it and I didn't want it...No No No....

CONTRACTION...Yes I did! Shoot me in the back please....

The next half hour went fast.....no pain and a breath, then 3 student nurses walk in and say,"Hey lady can we watch."

I was feeling good by now so I'm like...sure!

Ten minutes of pushing and out comes the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

AND NOW 5 years later....he is one of the best things I ever did in my life. I am so proud of him. He is the most handsome, rotten, spoiled child anyone could ever ask for. And I love him with all of my heart!

Happy Birthday Christopher Lee Switzer Jr.

Mommy Loves You SOOOOO Much!

4 Generations of Switzers! Daddy, PawPaw Jr. and CJ, Theo

Friday, March 18, 2011

Marching Right Into CJ's Birthday!

So this year is flying bye. I just spent all this money on Christmas and now I have stumbled onto CJ's 5th Birthday. My one main goal during all of this wedding planning is to make sure to not leave the kids on the side burner. So for CJ's party we are having a sleep over with a few of his buddies from school and then the next day we will have a party at the house.

I am trying to see if we can get some money together to take a family mini-vaca this summer before we get swamped with the wedding, but everything is so expensive. I have no idea how I am going to pay for the whole wedding, much less find extra money to put anywhere else.

Cj will be starting Kindergarten this year and Jacob will be in the 3 year old program at Sonshine...we have to get him potty trained this summer before he starts school or he can't go. That is going to be hilarious. He doesn't show any interest in keeping the potty train on the tracks...he derails every other day! I guess when he is ready he will go, just like CJ, but man I am tired of paying for diapers!

This weekend we are going to try to get as much of the bathroom done as possible, so people don't have to see my mess from the termites when they go inside to pee at the birthday party next weekend!

And life goes on and on!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mardi Gras Time Is Here!

I can't believe it is March already. CJ goes to the Asthma Specialist on Monday to look into his 'Seasonal' Asthma! Then March 5th is the Luling Parade! I am so excited for all of Josh's family to meet the boys.

Tomorrow Gabbie, Veronica, and Mami are coming over to do the save the dates! Josh and I are going to have Jaselyn and Joe tomorrow while Jason and Tracy take CJ and Jacob. Tracy wants to see how they behave for her and Jason without me and Josh around, and with no one else to play with.

They boy's next therapy session is on Lundi Gras. We went this past Tuesday and it was a basic beginner thing. She asked me a whole bunch of questions about each boy and then she watched them play. Next session I am going to sit outside so that she can be alone with the boys. Jacob's session is at 12 and CJ is at 3. So CJ can stay with Josh and eat lunch and then when I bring Jacob home he can eat and take a nap then I will bring CJ to his session, since CJ doesn't like to take naps anymore.

I am so worried about my boys. I am scared that they are going to get labeled in school as 'bad' kids and then get stuck in a developmental class and never get out of them. At least that is how it was when we were growing up.

As for the rest of March, the 27th is CJ's 5th birthday! OMG I feel old. I can't believe he is 5! I know tomorrow he will be 15 and I will miss the 5! Haha! We are going to have a little party at our house and I told him he could have like 3 friends sleep over the night before and we would camp out in the back yard! We shall see how Josh handles that one! Fire in the back yard with stories and marshmallow smores.! A walk in the woods with flashlights! Woohoo!

CJ also started his free week of Karate class Monday night. Tonight is his last night and then he has to decide if he wants to sign up for it or not. I am going to bring the money just in case! I think he is going to enjoy it better than his sports he does now, but if not he can do it until another sport comes up!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why I want to marry Josh

Brother Gary wanted Josh and I to write a little half a page explaining why we wanted to get married, before we start our premarital counciling. I thought that I would share it with you guys, even though you know all of it already! (Oh and once I started I can't stop, so it is a little more than a half a page)

Why I Want to Get Married to Josh
This should be a very easy question to answer, but then again it is very hard to describe a feeling of emotion you have for another person. For others who have been in love or are in love, they just know the feeling and can relate automatically. I decided to write my explanation as if I were talking to someone who had never experienced what I am experiencing or an alien! So here goes…
God has given us many gifts in life. The bible says the best gift of all, besides his son, was the ability to love one another. The love I feel for Josh is more than just the automatic feel of love, as a mother feels love for her children; or a child that loves it’s parents. Those feelings of love come natural and almost automatic. What I got to experience with Josh was “falling” in love. I have been “in love” before but it has never felt like this.
The moment I ran into Josh, it was like a lightening strike. It was weird. I couldn’t stop looking at him, trying to see whom he was talking to, if he were possibly look at me too. At first it was not obvious to me.  It wasn’t until he passed by me and touched my leg to see the tattoo on my foot that I knew. Like a static shock, I jumped.  My friend, Ashley, knew it the same time I did because she looked at me and started to laugh. She said my eyes got so big, it was like I was looking at a ghost. From that moment on, I knew there was something there, and I wasn’t going to let it go until I knew what it was.
That was almost two years ago and I can remember the feeling as if it just happened. Well the feeling is kind of fresh because he makes me feel that spark every time he looks at me or touches me. It makes me fall in love with him all over again every time it happens.
The reason for wanting to marry this man is simple. I want to feel this feeling every day for the rest of my life. He is my “soul mate” and up until him, I never believed that that was a real thing. But he made me believe it. He is my best friend and a great man. He is strong hearted and strong willed. He is a wonderful provider and a great cook. He loves my boys as much as he loves me and I feel safe knowing that he is around us.
When I was a little girl I used to imagine what it would be like to have a loving and committed marriage, like my parent’s have. And in my past, I never thought a relationship could work without screaming and fighting. This beautiful man has shown me that love knows no hate. Love knows no anger, no bad words, and nothing but warm feelings and butterflies.
I love his man and I want to marry him for every reason you could want it marry a person.

Monday, January 17, 2011

NEW Book and Obsession!!

This one phrase changed vampire love novel series forever...If you loved Twilight you will die over the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

If you were like, over 18 and have had sex....Twilight was very disappointing after 3 books they finally have a sex scene and it was a kiss and bam she wakes up....well let me tell you....Dark Lover will not disappoint you!

I like to call the book I just read, a dark, romantic, book of porn. Well I call it that but it is so much more. I never liked porn. Never could sit through it. But this book is adicting and crazy good.

The author, J.R. Ward, truely has a gift! They way decribing two people making love makes you feel the hands as if they were touching you...it is amazing. There are nine books in the series and book 9 comes out in March. I plan to read all of them before then, or try to. As the friend who said the quote above said, each book is about each of the Brotherhood Members' story. The first book is about Wrath, King of the Vampire Species. It is also an introduction to the brotherhood and each of its members.

I don't want to ruin it for you, but I promise these books are worth the money! Kindle books are 6.99! What you would pay for one ticket to a two hour movie...but half of what you would pay to buy a porn! I hate porn, but it is the best thing I can describe...it satisfies every need you have when it comes to a good love story!

Let me know what you think after you read it and tell your friends!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 9 - 30 day blog challenge!

Day 9 - A picture of your friends...

I have two groups of friends....the old and the new....so I will have to do both....

I guess I can start with the old. My oldest friend's name is Erin! She and I have been friends since the first day of Kindergarden. Which would make us friends for almost 22 years!

The Fab Four
Leslie, Christine, Desiree and I have been friends since 6th grade...we were all friends before that but we made out GROUP in 6th grade....Oh how I miss those days! Since then, babies and life have put space between us but we still meet up when we can go get together!

Some Sexy Girls
Nicole, Veronica, and Gabbie! This was an awesome night! Gabbie's bachlorette party! These girls have let me come into their family with open arms and I love them very much! I am blessed to get to spend my life with such wonderful women!

Even though my best friends are my mother and my sister, all of these women are a blessing to me!