Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bun in the comes number 3

So....after the shock has worn off, I am warming up to the idea of no sleep and dirty diapers....ONE MORE TIME!

So now we are focusing on making the house ready for a 5th resident. Jacob has so graciously given up his room for the new baby, which means him and CJ will be roommates...Oh boy!

So we will be remodeling their room to look something like this!

Then I will have to paint Jacob's room to get it ready for the nursery and we have to get new bedroom furniture so that we can fit a bassinet in our room for a little while. 

The boys are so excited about their new baby! They talk to my belly all the time and are trying to come up with a boy name, since we already have a girl name! CJ wants John or David. Jacob doesn't know what he wants! HAHA!

Well here we go starting our new journey! 7 weeks in and 33 to go!