Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Five more months!

Our little angel will energy here in 5 months or less which also means for everyone else in the world that we have 5 months til Christmas! Woohoo! Well since I never posted what we are having, it is another little boy! So I decided to change my blog to My Three Sons since everyone keeps referring to it when I tell them we are having another boy!

We got the boys' room sheet rocked and painted and floors down so now it is time to start saving to fix up the baby's room. We will be sheet rocking it and putting floor down and painting it grey. It goes with his LSU decor. Since we are huge LSU fans what better way to start off our last baby! The right way!

Other than that, we are just counting down the weeks until he gets here. He is kicking more and more everyday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

16 weeks and counting...

So today is Monday, July 9th! At this time on Wednesday all the guessing and waiting will be over and we will know if we are adding another little monster to the bunch or a sweet little angel! The boys have been reviewing their ultrasound pictures so they know what to look for when the ultrasound tech asks them if they see a brother or sister!

They are so excited! When they got back last night from a week with their daddy, they thought the baby was going to be at the house! haha! I told them they still had plenty of time to wait for it! Before they went to sleep last night they had to kiss the belly and tell it good night! They are going to be such good big brothers! (I HOPE)

I asked Josh Saturday night if he was going to be upset if it was another boy and he looked at me and said, "Do I have a choice?"  I said, "Yes, you can choose to he happy or upset!" haha!

Well I guess I will be updating this on Thursday to announce to the world what Baby Veillon will be!

Woohoo! 47 hours left!