Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ladies help me out here... Is it just me? I have noticed over the years that my husband and I been together, it is me more than him that is giving affection. When he gets home he passes me up and I have to go give him a kiss. When we are chilling I am the one who goes to sit next to him. When we get in bed, I kiss him goodnight. When he leaves to go somewhere, I have to go get a kiss goodbye.

Thinking back in the beginning of our relationship, I remember him coming and hugging me from behind in the kitchen or would get in his truck and start it up, then come back inside to kiss me bye.

Does this happen a lot? Do I need to worry? Should I talk to him about it or is it just my preggo hormonal self blowing things out of proportion?


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Last day of bed rest???

I am hoping she lets me go back to work tomorrow, but the way I am feeling today and last night, I don't think it is going to be happening. Man along with the contractions now my lower back is killing me. It feels like I had him yesterday...(down there)... The pressure that I feel is not like any other I have felt before. I guess I am not 20 years old anymore! Maybe my body is tired of making kids! How both my grandmas had 9 babies within 15 years I have no idea and now they are the strongest women I've ever known!

I'm scared to be on perminant bed rest because I don't know how I will be able to take care of my boys. Everyone says that I should let them go somewhere and let others take care of them, but when no one wants to take them or can take them, it is kinda hard ya know?

Well enough of the pity party for me... I got a lot of crap to do! I have another ultrasound in two weeks! Hopefully that can give us a lot of the answers we need!


Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, Monday...

Well I had a nice contraction free day today, if only I can get him to stop digging his foot or arm or whatever in to my pelvic bone! Man I don't know what hurts worse, contractions or sharp pains of him kicking down there!

Well I just want to take it a day at a time to get through each week! I would hate to have to go on bed rest early, I would like for him to wait until at least the end of Nov. before I stay home from work!

Well going read behind my eye lids!
Night night!

Friday, September 21, 2012


So after two separate days in the hospital to stop contractions, this weekend is to be spent resting. They think I have an irritable uterus. They gave me meds that are suppose to calm the uterus but it only made the contractions worse, so I got another shot of breathine and after they stopped I got to go home.

So now I get to lay around the house , when there is so much to do. If I don't have any more problems this weekend, I can go back to work on Monday! So I guess I just get to sit here and bond with my little belly monster for the weekend!

I am so lucky to have friends who are praying for us! We are loved!

Monday, August 6, 2012

August is here...

And so is 1st grade and PreK. Oh man my boys are growing up fast. CJ starts school on the 13th and he will be in 1st grade. Jake turns 4 on the 16th and starts PreK the week after. Man o man am I getting old!

We go Wednesday to the dr. For Raph's checkup and hopefully she can give me a more accurate due date. I hate not knowing if he will be a Christmas baby or Thanksgiving baby!

I got his material in to start making his crib sheets and comforter! Can't wait to start on his room!

I can't wait for him to get here, but other times I can't believe I'm really pregnant! Haha! Life is crazy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Five more months!

Our little angel will energy here in 5 months or less which also means for everyone else in the world that we have 5 months til Christmas! Woohoo! Well since I never posted what we are having, it is another little boy! So I decided to change my blog to My Three Sons since everyone keeps referring to it when I tell them we are having another boy!

We got the boys' room sheet rocked and painted and floors down so now it is time to start saving to fix up the baby's room. We will be sheet rocking it and putting floor down and painting it grey. It goes with his LSU decor. Since we are huge LSU fans what better way to start off our last baby! The right way!

Other than that, we are just counting down the weeks until he gets here. He is kicking more and more everyday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

16 weeks and counting...

So today is Monday, July 9th! At this time on Wednesday all the guessing and waiting will be over and we will know if we are adding another little monster to the bunch or a sweet little angel! The boys have been reviewing their ultrasound pictures so they know what to look for when the ultrasound tech asks them if they see a brother or sister!

They are so excited! When they got back last night from a week with their daddy, they thought the baby was going to be at the house! haha! I told them they still had plenty of time to wait for it! Before they went to sleep last night they had to kiss the belly and tell it good night! They are going to be such good big brothers! (I HOPE)

I asked Josh Saturday night if he was going to be upset if it was another boy and he looked at me and said, "Do I have a choice?"  I said, "Yes, you can choose to he happy or upset!" haha!

Well I guess I will be updating this on Thursday to announce to the world what Baby Veillon will be!

Woohoo! 47 hours left!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bun in the comes number 3

So....after the shock has worn off, I am warming up to the idea of no sleep and dirty diapers....ONE MORE TIME!

So now we are focusing on making the house ready for a 5th resident. Jacob has so graciously given up his room for the new baby, which means him and CJ will be roommates...Oh boy!

So we will be remodeling their room to look something like this!

Then I will have to paint Jacob's room to get it ready for the nursery and we have to get new bedroom furniture so that we can fit a bassinet in our room for a little while. 

The boys are so excited about their new baby! They talk to my belly all the time and are trying to come up with a boy name, since we already have a girl name! CJ wants John or David. Jacob doesn't know what he wants! HAHA!

Well here we go starting our new journey! 7 weeks in and 33 to go!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Last day of the EASY LIFE!

So today, March 14, 2012, Joshua and I start our P90X! Oh how much fun this will be. I can't wait til we roll over in the morning and cry! Yeah it is going to be a challenge, but I am hoping for those of you who read this blog, you will help me get through it!

So I went to the hospital today and got my Body Fat measured and my BMI. I am 20.5% body fat and my BMI is 20.4.  The recommended for an average person is 24.8%. So I am good to go! So I guess the scale  isn't going to help me to much cause I will be focusing on gaining muscles!

I think I need to pick out a bathing suit and put it up on the fridge to help me! That will be my motivation! At the end if I reach my goal, I will buy myself the bathing suit! Woohoo! Good idea huh?

Well 130 lbs today and a size 8 we go....

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gunna Make Our House A Home

So, I have waited long enough to get down to decorating our house...So within the next month or so, my brother-in-law Jason will be replacing the door in our bedroom that leads outside, with a big-ol-window!

We are going to move the front door from the kitchen into the living room, and I am going to paint the living room, kitchen, hall, and my bed room.

I am also going to buy some unfinished furniture for the bedroom and make it all pretty and then take an old door from the bathroom we don't need anymore and make it my headboard for my bed!

I can't wait to get started! I have it all pictured in my head and it is going to be AWESOME! Gunna post pictures when I am done!

As for the rest of the house, yeah, it will have to wait until next tax season! Haha!